14 January 2010

Groceries shopping again!
  • Ayam Sardine_______2.85
  • Kaya_____________2.45
  • Baked Beans_______ 0.95
  • Skippy Peanut butter_5.10
  • Prawn Cracker______2.20
  • Chocolate Biscuit____ 3.35
  • Lemon Biscuit______ 3.35
  • Tomatoes_________0.70
  • Nugget x2_________6.95
  • Total____________26.90

And I made lunch! Was so sick and tired of outside food. Either its too bland or too salty. Toast was made by dad this morning lolz.. Notice a reoccurring theme? Time spent 30mins. Munching time 10mins. Cost priceless.. even rice taste better then outside! Nothing beats a home cook meal, Period! =>

03 January 2010

I'm going away for a while
but I'll be back don't try to follow me
Cause I'll return as soon as possible

You see I'm trying to find my place
But it might not be here where i feel safe
We all learn to make mistakes

Run from them from them
With no directions
Run from them from them
With no convictions

I'm just one of those ghost
Traveling endlessly
Don't need no road
In fact they follow me

And we just go in circles
But now I'm told that this is life
and pain is just a simple compromise
so we can get what we want out of it.