Groceries shopping again!
- Ayam Sardine_______2.85
- Kaya_____________2.45
- Baked Beans_______ 0.95
- Skippy Peanut butter_5.10
- Prawn Cracker______2.20
- Chocolate Biscuit____ 3.35
- Lemon Biscuit______ 3.35
- Tomatoes_________0.70
- Nugget x2_________6.95
- Total____________26.90
And I made lunch! Was so sick and tired of outside food. Either its too bland or too salty. Toast was made by dad this morning lolz.. Notice a reoccurring theme? Time spent 30mins. Munching time 10mins. Cost priceless.. even rice taste better then outside! Nothing beats a home cook meal, Period! =>