23 February 2010

Looking back ..

Its so funny, i'm at home but yet i feel home sick. 1 week ago, I was at Malacca. Today, I'm at Singapore. I miss Malacca. I miss the place, i miss the people. It was only for a few days. I think the stay is just nice. If any longer, i would miss my home. But now, looking back on the pictures, i think back on the time spend with gong gong, po po, ye ming, yi ling, xin hui, 3shu, 3 shen, ah yi po, yvonne, mvonne,shaun, xiao gu, tar gu, jowin. This Chinese new year holds a special meaning to me. I would not be here if i haven't got the skin disease call shingles.

I shouldn't be here blogging. I should work hard and earn money. But i think i don't want to sail. 我人太好了la,不适合做这份工.
Main Entry: homesick
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: nostalgic


hankering, heartsick, lonely, longing for home, missing, wistful, yearning
Main Entry: lonesome
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: forlorn, friendless


alone, cheerless, companionless, deserted, desolate, dreary, gloomy, homesick, isolated, lone, lonely, solitary
Notes: lonely adds to solitary a suggestion of longing for companionship, while lonesome heightens the suggestion of sadness; forlorn and desolate are even more isolated and sad


befriended, loved, unlonesome