20 March 2010

Shyness is Golden

        It is the shy, the really shy ones, who have my admiration. They do not impose force on others: when they speak it is generally because they have something important to say, they listen to our stories right up to the limit of their patience, and they are the shoulder on which we most want to cry. Normally, they are much wiser because they spend more time looking at what is going on around them - and they manage to do so without anyone noticing. But, above all, they have a smile that extroverts generally don't have. It is not common and, because of this, is more amusing- it begins at a corner of the mouth and then becomes a smile only a little bit at a time.
        A big victory is when we manage to stop them from being timid for a short period of time, or when they cease to be shy with us - it does not count if you furnish them with drinks to get them to lose their inhibitions. In order to be special it is necessary that a shy person feels so secure that he reveals his true self and makes those cynical comments about himself with the confidence of someone who has rehearsed the words before he says them.
        The shy are excused from bringing flowers or presents on St Valentine's Day. It is enough for them to show up.

14 March 2010

Hold on to your dreams

Why are humans such fragile creature? They hold on to things like dreams or hope. Things which are in-tangible, things which can't be seen, can't be heard, can't be hold. But i say, hold onto your dreams, for they will light up a path when your road turns dark. Hold on to your thoughts, for they will guide you when voices around you are sounding distance. Listen deeper , Look closer, See further, Run faster.

This little moment that we live here, Don't let us waste it in vain. Let's sail at full speed straight on.

For we are all, just humans.

13 March 2010

U gonna go far kid...

Sometimes, all we need is just a little love. Some reassurance.. let me know that everything is gonna be alright, everything is gonna be ok. Stay strong kid, you're gonna be fine, you're gonna be alright. Things will work out fine, the way they are.

10 March 2010

How 2 have a Health Chicken Rice

first, u fried an egg


then make tay-susu

Finally, fish oil for good health!
a car run into the block this morning!

not! it was raining, the car was picking up a passenger ^^

08 March 2010

07 March 2010

Lazy sunday afternoon...

Haha.. Wat a smiley face. Had this for lunch today. Dad made the fried rice in the morning, he made extra and left a bowl on the table b4 he left for work. Yup, my dad works even on a Sunday. Its not unusual. I don't blame him but we are happy. Other family may go out on weekends or holidays. But I'm big now, we are all too old for those family things. Maybe I'll change things around with my family someday. But that day is still very far away. Haha.. I don't plan to talk about this things, just want to blog about my fried egg rice actually. Have stray towards topic of family. Guess I'm coming of that age now, of raising my own kids. But like I said, its still a long time away...... only time will tell.

06 March 2010

Feeling Good

Wake up feeling different today. Feeling good, feeling refresh. Could be cause of the late night jog last night. Body a little different today, feel very good. Like a well oil machine, like everything is good in place. 
Anyway, went out to buy breakfast. Looking at the people at the market/hawker area, only saw mostly middle age and senior age people around. While passing by a playground, saw a group of indian foreign workers chatting. 
How do i know they are foreigner? One of them was wearing a shirt "I <3 SG", no Singaporean with the right frame of mind will wear that ^^ 
They were sitting at the exercise corner drinking liquids of donno what from cans place on the ground. While a bunch of kids were playing at the playground area with their dad. 
Good thing their dad is there, i willn't feel safe if i'm not around MY kids if they were to play there.

Prata Egg       - 1.30
Prata Kosong - 0.70
Soya milk       - 0.60
Papers            -1.00
Total              - 3.60